Incline your brain to kindness

It is good to use your brain’s intellectual power, your capability for logic and reason. These gifts are your  friends.

If these, and only these, are used exclusively, however, your highest and best potential is being shortchanged.

In our over-scheduled, westernized life, we sometimes miss out on the great gifts and blessings that await us on the other side of busy.

Reach for quietness, even stillness, for at least some portion of your day or week, and you will be richly rewarded, not only internally. Others will notice your gentleness and be less strained themselves.

I think it was Marci Shimoff who said, “Incline your mind to happiness.” Think of it. She wrote a much-treasured book entitled Happy for No Reason, and it is in a sense worth its weight in gold. We think we have to work with might and main to make external circumstances such that they will bring us happiness. Then when the external circumstances don’t quite work out, or even come crashing down upon us, then we feel we are obliged to be unhappy.

I remember a church leader confiding to us in a meeting one time:

“When I was raising my family, I certainly didn’t do everything exactly right. I did try to instill one concept with my children: that they had the capability to enhance active involvement in their own emotional life.

“When something happened that was distressing or disturbing to them, I would sometimes quietly say:

“You could be upset; and it is not mandatory.” 😮

Incline your brain to calmness and kindness and it will thank you forever.

You will not only learn better, and be in better physical and emotional health, others will be happier to be around you. 😮

My wife Jeannette is like that. People love being around her.

Blessings, Doc Meek

Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA; South Jordan, Utah, USA

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