“Learning dullness not our calling.” ~ Doc Meek

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This is not a “religious” blog per se, although “everything” is “religious” through a certain lens. Even atheistic scientists have their “religion”: unsupported beliefs which are clung to, and defended, with the same tenacity as a “religious” zealot. This scientific zeal is practiced by scientists all unaware usually. They think they are totally objective. Their “objective” view that they are totally objective is, in itself, subjective.

Three examples:

(1) The “scientific” mythology of the single variable.

(2) The “scientific” mythology of the placebo.

(3) The “scientific” mythology of the anecdote.

More on this in a future post.

Robert Capon Farrar feels that dullness is a cultural issue.


Here is my comment I posted on the above blog:

Bravo, Robert Capon Farrar! Dullness is not only an issue in religion. It is an issue in our educational system, by and large. I am going to post an article on THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog about “Dullness is not our calling.”

Doc Meek, Friday, February 25, 2011, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

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