Posts Tagged ‘anger management’

“Innovative Perlmutter Health Center.” – Doc Meek

Wednesday, November 24, 2010. Today I am grateful for David Perlmutter, M.D., a Board-Certified Neurologist with a worldwide practice centered in Naples, on the west coast of Florida.

Images and text below from Dr. Perlmutter’s website:

“Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten”

Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten
by David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM Learn More »

“The Better Brain Book”

by David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM Learn More »

Dr. Perlmutter works innovatively with a wide variety of neurological and nutritional issues and preventive medicine, including helping adults and children overcome learning problems.

This  makes him a hero in my eyes, as I have been helping adults and children triumph over learning difficulties for more than 30 years now.

Thank you, Dr. Perlmutter, for inspiring hope for children and parents and others!

Doc Meek, Wednesday, November 24, 2010, at the Super 8 Motel in Dania Beach, Florida (on the east coast of Florida, opposite Dr. Perlmutter’s office on the west coast at Naples).

J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist

For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026

CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095


“Ask me anything.” – Doc Meek

Thursday, August 12, 2010. Today I am grateful that I have had more than thirty (30) years of great experience with almost all aspects of education and learning. They call me the “the brain guy.” – Doc Meek

People are always asking me questions about teaching, learning, and how the brain operates. And how the school systems operate.

I am delighted to answer any and all questions! 😮

So this is an open invitation to all of you who are parents, teachers, students, or educational administrators:

“Ask me anything”

I learned that phrase from my internet mentor, Connie Ragen Green. She teaches people how to be a business success on the internet, like she is. She is a great teacher/learner. Kind, considerate, and patiently able to explain answers to all questions, including the “dumb questions” people are almost afraid to ask. That’s Connie.

“There are no dumb questions, ” Connie says, and she practices what she preaches. And she keeps learning. She never stops learning. I think that is one reason she is such a good teacher. She is a good student as well. Thank you Connie! I am grateful for your example.

Same invitation from Doc: “Ask me anything.”

“Ask me anything about education, training, the brain, the mind, behavior, emotion, teaching, teacher training, student learning problems, and so on.”

I have had extensive training and experience with almost all aspects of education and learning, including the administrative and financial aspects. (See my Qualifications Brief by clicking on the date of July 15, 2010, on the calendar on the right-hand side of the screen when you first visit THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog at

There is almost nothing about education, learning or the brain that you can ask me, about which I have not had some degree of familiarity.

You can ask me with confidence and I will respond with both knowlege and compassion. If I don’t know the answer I will find it for you.

And even a little humor may go a long way, eh?

Years ago, a Calgary magazine reported:

“Dr. Meek brings a unique blend of warmth, intelligence and humor to everything he does.” Thank you, Calgary!

If you have any questions or comments, just click on the little blue word “comments” at the bottom right-hand side of this article, and a form will appear that you can use to ask any question you wish.

Doc Meek, Thursday, August 12, 2010, at Nose Hill Public Library in Calgary, Alberta, CANADA.


J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist

For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026

CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095


Laughter lightens learning; gentle humor does too

Monday, August 9, 2010: Spent the night in the Big Horn Motel, at Dead Man’s Flats, near Canmore, Alberta, CANADA. The Rocky Mountains, for me, create humility–in the face of the mighty forces of nature that brought them forth– and gratitude–for their stunning grandeur.

Big Horn Motel - Canadian Rockies
Big Horn Motel - Canadian Rockies
HomeRooms & RatesReservationsLocationDining & ActivitiesSpecials
Three SistersThree Sisters
Welcome to The Big Horn Motel

All of us at The Bighorn Motel invite

Make yourself at home in the majestic

Canadian Rocky Mountains.


For some reason, staying at Dead Man’s Flats brought forth my sense of humor, despite the ghoulish name of the place, eh? 😮 How would you like to live in a place called Dead Man’s Flats? You would probably love it if the scenery was as beautiful and gratifying as it in this lovely place. 😮

This reminded me of how humor and laughter lighten learning, and open new learning channels of the brain. Parents and teachers who learn how to incorporate humor into everyday life at home and in the classroom enhance learning in the moment and help to create long-term interest in learning as well.

“I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful. ”  —Bob Hope (1903-2003)

Laughter even helps you have better health.

A healthier body = a healthier brain

“Laugh More To Live Longer,” by Dr. Michael Cutler on 07/04/2010

Are you feeling down… stressed… tense… or depressed? Does it seem like your spouse keeps stepping on your last nerve… and your coworkers were put on this earth to drive you crazy? Well, laugh it off and you’ll live a longer, healthier and more satisfying life according to recent studies.

Laughter has been shown to relax muscles, increase oxygen flow, promote circulation and reduce tension, as well as lower blood pressure, aid in social bonding, ease stress and boost your immune system. It can even help promote a healthier appetite in the elderly or disabled, and may even lower your cholesterol and reduce your heart disease risk.

A recent health report lists the following five benefits of a good sense of humor:

  • Most laughs involve exhaling deeply and when you exhale, your blood pressure and heart rate decrease, and you then experience a calmness and sense of relief indicates Dacher Keltner, Ph.D. professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley.
  • You’ll be better able to bond with your spouse because those who laugh together to ease tension are much more likely to have better marriages according to John Gottman, Ph.D., a psychologist at the Gottman Institute.
  • According to researchers from the Loma Linda University in California, even anticipating a good laugh decreases your stress hormones dopac (by 38 percent), cortisol (by 39 percent) and epinephrine (by 70 percent).
  • In a study reported in the International Journal of Medical Sciences, those of us who enjoy chuckling as much as 10 to 25 times a day experience fewer diseases than those who laugh less than that amount.
  • A survey of close to 600 men shows that 73 percent believed that having a good sense of humor made them better on their jobs.

What better way to promote good health and great happiness than to laugh your way through life? Try it daily and you’ll find that laughter truly is the best medicine.

Article from:

The author of the above guest article on THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog is Michael Cutler, M.D. is a board-certified family physician with 18 years experience specializing in chronic degenerative diseases, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. 

A graduate of Brigham Young University, Tulane Medical School and Natividad Medical Center Family Practice Residency in Salinas, Calif., he serves as a medical liaison to alternative and traditional practicing physicians. His practice focuses on an integrative solution to health problems.

Dr. Cutler is a sought-after speaker and lecturer on experiencing optimum health through natural medicines and the Founder and Editor of Easy Health Options™ newsletter—a leading health advisory service on natural healing therapies and nutrients and is Medical Advisor for True Health™—America’s #1 source for doctor-formulated nutrients that heal. For more information visit ……………………………………………………………………

Thanks Michael!

Doc Meek, Monday, August 9, 2010, in the Nose Hill Public Library, at Calgary, Alberta, CANADA


J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist

For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026

CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095


“Anger Can Be Deadly [the solutions].” – Dr. Mercola

This is the second 1/2 of Dr. Mercola’s guest article, Anger Can Be Deadly.

A healthy way to “get your anger out”: a choir of 30 shouting men. 😮 Photo from:


I’ve written about anger management before in THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog. If you missed those articles, simply click on the titles: Anger management in schools; Anger Management in Classrooms


Anger Can Be Deadly, by Dr. Joseph Mercola (this is the second 1/2 of the article posted Saturday, July 3, 2010); if you missed the first 1/2 of this article,  just click on the title here: “Anger Can Be Deadly [the damage].” – Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mercola’s entire article is from:

Your Emotional Health is Intricately Linked to Your Physical Health

Negative emotions will invariably impact your physical well-being, and anger is no different. Emotional factors are actually one of the most important contributing factors for all diseases, including cancer.

That is why an effective strategy to manage your emotional stress has long been a part of my top health tools, and this is because there is overwhelming evidence that your mind does matter when it comes to preventing, or triggering, disease.

The idea that your emotions impact your health and the development of disease is not new. Even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element, but the actual percentage is likely to be even higher.

Your emotions can actually trigger your genes to either express health or disease… and if you’re chronically angry or prone to uncontrolled outbursts you could be inadvertently sabotaging your health.

This is why I highly recommend you work on overcoming your emotional barriers, whether they’re based on life’s anxiety-factors or more deep-seated emotional traumas that may have left you “angry at the world.”

There are a host of techniques to instill positive emotions and thoughts and create a sense of inner-peace, and the best rule is to find the one that works for you, whether it is considered conventional or “alternative,” and keep on using it. Prayer and meditation are helpful for many.

In my clinical practice, I have tried a variety of methods, and have been exposed to many more (both conventional and alternative) through my medical background, but none have come close to the success rate I have experienced with the Meridian Tapping Technique/Emotional Freedom Technique (MTT/EFT).

With EFT, while mentally focusing on the psychological/emotional issues in a positive manner through the use of affirmations, pressure is applied to the same energy points used for thousands of years in acupuncture (these energy points are finally even being recognized as legitimate by the pharmacy- and surgery-addicted American medical establishment.)

These energy points are only tapped, though, not punctured as in acupuncture, as it has been shown that pressure on these points is all that is necessary to activate your body’s bioenergy. This combination of positive mental focus on the issue(s) and physical stimulus to your body’s biochemistry is amazingly effective at eliminating the issue — be it anger, stress, anxiety, etc. — quickly.

Life’s Too Short to Live With Anger

Optimal health involves addressing and resolving your anger and other emotional traumas as quickly as possible — without letting old emotional wounds contribute to more negativity, and therefore disease, in your mind and body.

So in addition to using MTT/EFT as your primary anger-resolution tool, you may also want to try:

  • Relaxation techniques (slow deep breathing, meditation, prayer, positive imagery)
  • Empathizing with the person (or situation) you’re angry with
  • Exercising (vigorous activity is an excellent way to release angry energy that has built up, and gentler exercise, like yoga, can help you calm down afterward)
  • Asking yourself, “Will this situation matter in 10 minutes? Tomorrow? Next month? Next year?” Most often, situations you’re angry over mean very little in the greater scheme of your life. Keep this question in mind to help you remember that the situation you’re so angry about now will likely be irrelevant in a short time — and is probably not worth getting worked up over.

When combined, these techniques are extremely effective at both releasing negative energy and putting your mind at ease. ………………………………………………………………………………..

Thank you, Dr. Mercola!

Doc Meek, Sunday, July 11, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA

P.S. For more information about healthy heart solutions to anger, see the associate links in my signature block below:

Associate Links:

J Collins Meek, PhD
>>> “What if you are smarter than you think?” >>>

Associate Links:

CANADA: PO Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
US: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095-3260
Phone: (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax : [801] 282-6026

International callers first enter the country code (+1)
and then enter the Phone and/or Fax number above

Dad can guarantee learning success for his children

Image from:

Image may be subject to copyright.

The best tribute to pay Dad on Father’s Day

The best gift to Dad is to remind him of his power to guarantee the learning success of his children, no matter what the task.

My previous article, showing how Dad guaranteed success for his little son who was learning to bowl, was posted April 14, 2010. If you wish to see that, click on the URL immediately below:

Guarantee Learning Success for Everybody

Learning fears and humiliating failures can haunt learning for life

When youngsters are first learning a sport, they often have great fear of failure. They fear that they will prove incompetent, that they will fumble and look stupid and be embarrassed and on and on.

Often these initial fears, if not “cushioned” in some way, are fully realized as the child attempts a totally new set of tasks, and then the stark memory of learning failure may haunt him or her throughout life.

“Cushioning” these learning fears in some way can mean the difference between ongoing success in school and life, and ongoing failure in school and life.

Sports leaders can guarantee learning success

My brother attended a baseball game in which his young son was playing, and was impressed to see that the team leaders had provided many ways to guarantee learning success, by “chunking everything down,” as they say, breaking the multiple learning tasks into more easily-learnable segments.

Dad was delighted. His young son was delighted too. He could “smell success,” almost before he got started.

The sports leaders were affable and kind, radiating a generosity of spirit (as opposed to aggressive competitiveness and outbursts of anger).

First, even though this was a baseball game, the leaders were using a softball, bigger than a regulation baseball, so that the youngsters would find it easier to hit.

Second, the leaders mounted the ball on a short stand at home base, at just the right height for hitting, thus providing a “batting tee” for the aspiring baseball players. This “batting tee” is analogous to a “golfing tee,” except of course that it holds the ball much higher off the ground.

Regular baseball rules were modified

If the batter swung and missed the ball right in front of him, a “strike” was called of course. If the batter knocked the ball off the tee and the ball rolled into “foul” territory, a strike was called. No “balls” were called. The young players either “struck out” or ran. No “walking.”

If the batter knocked the ball off the tee and it rolled into “fair” territory, the batter ran.

If the batter hit the ball any distance, he ran of course.

Most plays were won on errors 😮

The young boys had a ball (no pun intended)! 😮

The leaders had a ball. The parents had a ball. Other spectators and bystanders had a ball. 😮

And the young players more easily mastered essential baseball skills, guaranteeing learning success. 😮

No child cried (except perhaps when they fell down swinging or running) and no child stayed home the next time a game was scheduled. 😮

All the players were successful in learning how to play baseball. More importantly, all the boys felt good about learning and playing, and having fun in the process. 😮

These “learning success” feelings often last a lifetime, helping the child experience learning success in school and work. 😮

Parents and teachers follow the same principles for learning success

Parents at home and teachers in the classroom follow the same principles to guarantee learning success in all endeavors. This is not easy to do. It is, however, do-able:

(1) Make the starting point easy and enjoyable, perhaps even fun.

(2) Chunk down the learning tasks into smaller, more easily-learnable segments.

(3) Modify the rules when necessary; create a community of learners.

(4) Leave aggression and competitiveness aside initially, and perhaps always. It can help us be better citizens. It can help us achieve a more cooperative and successful society.

(5) Smile. 😮

(6) Smile. 😮

(7) Smile. 😮

We can all even use these learning success principles with ourselves!

If we all laugh more, and take ourselves less seriously more, almost any learning task can be done successfully.

With good memories that last a lifetime.

To lifelong learning enjoyment!

Doc Meek, Sunday, June 20, 2010 (Father’s Day)

At Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA; not at South Jordan, Utah, USA

You can’t change students (children) . . . you can care about them . . .

“A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.” – Horace Mann

Dr. Merrill Harmin, in his famous book, Strategies to Inspire Active Learning: Complete Handbook [for teachers], gives us the common-sense idea that if a student in the your classroom (or by analogy, a child in your home) is continually acting out of line, you can speak to them privately.

Line Drawing:Teacher lecturing student

From there on, though, his suggestions get seemingly odd.

Dr. Harmin says that the purpose of the private dialogue is just that, to have a private dialogue. Not to give them a lecture. It gets even odder. He then says that the goal of the private dialogue is not–as you might think–to get the student (child) to change his/her behavior.

What? I thought that was the whole idea. “Nope,” says my wise friend.

Guess what?

The goal of the private dialogue is to start to build a relationship between the teacher and the student (or between the parent and the child).

Amazingly, one of the key requirements is for the adult to listen, not the younger person so much. The younger person is not simply an inferior adult. They are persons in their own right, having their own life, and their own preferences about learning and their own dreams and life purposes.

If we as adults wish to actually influence younger people for good on a lifetime basis (not just get them to conform to our momentary demands), it is vital that we listen with respect, even if their performance or behavior is out of line.

The listening with respect, the building of a relationship is the basis for all change (learning).

Astute teachers and mothers know this without being told. Fathers can learn it too. 😮

Caring, Respect, and even Honor,

Doc Meek, Thursday, June 3, 2010

At Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA; not at South Jordan, Utah, USA

P.S. We as adults can have a lot of “fun” learning this change within ourselves: caring, respecting, honoring and listening to young people.

It is short-term so satisfying–in a perverse sort of way–to just lecture them. Our egos love it! Our lecture may change their behavior temporarily (as long as we remain present). It will not engender long-term self-responsibility and self-management in the younger person, which is, after all, ultimately the goal of all education (and all family life), right?

P.S.S. Hey this is really wacko! You mean to tell me that the purpose of  lecturing . . . uh . . . dialoguing  with . . . a younger person is to get me–me–to change (learn), not them? Yup. Real challenge isn’t it? That’s how many students (and children at home) feel about the changes (learnings) being required of them.

Parents (and teachers) may wish to explore the idea that we may be yelling at our kids too much. Copy and paste this URL in your computer’s browser line:

Self-management of Personal Anger

A teacher wrote asking me to speak about personal anger management, as distinct from classroom or whole-school approaches. He said that his own personal anger interfered with student learning and his own learning, and that individual student anger stopped many students from engaging learning in a useful and enjoyable way.

So I said, “Here is a specific anger removal technique for individuals. This is the kind of protocol you should practice yourself over and over again so you can experience its effectiveness when practiced repeatedly. It is easy to practice repeatedly because it is so simple.”

“Once you master this yourself, you can teach it to others, whether colleagues, friends, family, or students.”

As a matter of fact, it would be a lot easier to master it yourself solely to prove to  yourself its effectiveness, and then simply show the video example to the other person to learn from the video. I have found it much better to simply use the video in private, not try to teach it personally unless there is some reason the person wants you to teach it personally. The beauty of the video as a teacher is that it is endlessly patient and will never get upset or angry with you if you are slow to learn. 😮

Specific Anger Removal for Individuals

This has been called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or more simply, “Tapping,” and is very simply demonstrated in the following video by Magnus on YouTube:

Use this video to teach yourself in private, and then you can consider having your students learn to use it in private as well. Needless to say, you bring this to the attention of a specific student after he or she has calmed down and is quiet. Bring it to their attention quietly and privately, and only if you are able to determine that the student is willing to learn how to get rid of his or her anger that gets them into so much trouble.

After you have demonstrated the credibility of this “Tapping” video to yourself,  you can also teach its usefulness to your whole class (when things are calm and there is no anger incident at hand).

REMINDER: Remember that neither you nor your student is altogether getting rid of the capacity or ability to express anger. There may be times when expression of anger is not only appropriate, it might be life-saving. Usually not, however. Usually it is the case that personal anger control is the situation-saver and perhaps even the life-saver, for most circumstances. And that is the reason for learning this valuable “tapping-away-the-anger” technique.

Once you begin using the Magnus “Tapping” video on YouTube to help you and others control personal anger, you will find that there are also many other general and specific videos on anger management nearby to this one on YouTube.

Doc Meek

Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta, CANADA; and South Jordan, Utah, USA

Anger Management in Classrooms

A school teacher wrote me the other day, asking about anger management in the classroom.

I referred him to my previous blog entitled “Anger Management in Schools,” as an introduction. (See previous blog entry dated April 10, 2010.) That represented a starting point for anger management, for individual students, for immediate short-term solutions in the “foreground” of the problem so to speak.

Here I would like to explore longer-term “background” solutions.

Longer-term solutions for anger management

All teachers and school counselors (and school principals) and students
should have the opportunity to read  Dr. Merrill Harmin (2002),
Strategies to Inspire Active Learning: Complete Handbook.
When I was in the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific islands
back at the start of the new millennium, nearly every teacher
and administrator had a copy of this vital handbook. Many
teachers had a copy on their desk for ready reference every
day in the classroom. It is for daily use, showing how to become
a better teacher right now, and tomorrow, not down the road
Many libraries had multiple copies as well.
In a future post, I’ll report on the effective learning-teaching
changes that came out of using Dr. Harmin in the classroom.
And the test scores on external examinations went up to boot.
The teachers would place on the walls of their classrooms
Dr. Harmin’s “TRUTH SIGNS” (from pages 49-51 in his book,
and practiced using them (not just let them hang on the wall).
More on these “TRUTH SIGNS” later.
Using Dr. Harmin’s suggestions lead to more dignity and mutual
respect in the classroom between teachers and students, and
between students, and less anger.
Dr.Harmin’s book (pages 5 and 6) shows a teacher what a 
DESCA classroom looks/feels like and the rest of the book
shows the teachers how to help the students more and
more to develop themselves into a DESCA group of students,
students who have developed:
Dignity and respect for students (and teachers).
Energy that is at a good level, not too low and not too high.
Self-management and self-control for students (and teachers).
Community, where all students (and their teacher) work together
to learn, not just listen to the teacher lecturing; students help each
other learn in small groups of two or three; helps them learn to get
along with each other.
Awareness of self and others; “How am I doing?” thinks the student.
The whole book will transform the whole school if its inspiring strategies
are learned and practiced by teachers and students alike. (And of course
taught and encouraged by school principals and other administrators.)
Needless to say, one of the foundations is inspiring lessons taught by
inspired teachers, and taught by inspiring and active-learning students
as well.
Inspired strategies for active learning,  practiced daily in the classroom
by teachers and students alike, reduces anger to almost zero.
The reason?
Everyone is actively engaged in the tasks at hand. Students feel more
worthwhile and more engaged in learning, more proactively involved
in their own present learning and their own future learning possibilities,
as opposed to simply reacting in anger to problems that present.
The students are even taught interpersonal and negotiation skills–
as an alternative to the use of violence–as a problem resolution pattern.
– Doc Meek, Inspired Learning Strategies Specialist
South Jordan, Utah, USA; and Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
“Anger is the ultimate troublemaker. I feel you can express a strong disapproval or dislike of an object without losing your temper.”
– Dalai Lama

Anger Management at School, Home, Everywhere

A teacher wrote me asking for counsel on anger management for students in school, in the classroom and elsewhere. I responded with three different aspects relating to anger problems. I introduced the topic as follows and said I would follow up with him in my next post.

(1) Short-term Solutions for everybody.
Ideas and techniques and better ways to do things
about anger: “Get the Angries Out.”
Some tips and techniques showing how to do things
better, that will help a student (and teacher) to behave
better and get rid of anger. And to stop yelling, scolding,
blaming, and punishing, which may stop anger at the
moment and will not help the student when he or she
is on their own. I give you more information next post.
(2) Long-term solutions for schools, teachers, students.
Dr. Merrill Harmin’s book, “Strategies to Inspire Active
Learning” (2002) can be found in some school libraries
and is available on Every teacher should
have a copy of their own on their desk. It is a handbook
for daily use, not a theoretical textbook for future use.
If this book is read, studied and practiced (just a few
new strategies each week), great things do happen!
This is targeted to students becoming more involved
in their own learning, thus reducing boredom and apathy
and tending to produce fewer provocations for anger.
More detail in my next post.
(3)  Specific Anger Removal for Individuals (“Tapping”)
This “Tapping” is a method to practice
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
which is very effective for individuals who wish to learn how
to get rid of their own anger. Works for everybody: mothers,
fathers, teachers, counselors, children, students, etc.,anybody
who wants to learn how to get rid of their own anger. More in a
future blog post.
Doc Meek
South Jordan, Utah, USA; Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA