“Big change of attitude.” – Rod Campbell

Friday, November 5, 2010. Today I am grateful we can change our attitude, or learn to change our attitude, and thus shift our outlook from dismal and dismay to hope and happiness.

Bird of Happiness; image from:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_of_Happiness_(toy)

Rod Campbell, in his book entitled Healing from Love: Healing through Love, Kindness and Respect for All Living Things, tells of his own experience with a huge change of attitude when  he was sick:
“This day I was feeling terrible and was down milking the cows before going to hospital. It had been raining for weeks and everything was wet, coats and boots never dried properly and there was mud everywhere. The cow bail was leaking and there was a cold wind blowing. I was thinking to myself, what a terrible place this was for an old man of my age to be living.”
Rod became so sick he almost did not make it to the hospital. He might have died if he hadn’t made it there. He did make it and then returned home.
“The next morning it was still raining when I went out to milk the cows. I first breathed in some beautiful fresh air and thought how wonderful it was, then saw all the beautiful lights sparkling on every drop of water dripping off every leaf, flower and blade of grass.
“Then there were the lights and shadows shining in the mist and clouds rolling down over the hills. On walking through wet grass with sparkling little streams running everywhere, there were two fantails keeping me company as I was driving the cows to be milked.
The air was so fresh and everything so bright and clean I thought this must be the cleanest and healthiest place for an old man to have the privilege to live, enjoy and appreciate nature and be part of it all.”
Thank you Rod!
Here’s to all of us who can shift, or learn to shift, our attitude!
Doc Meek, Friday, November 5, 2010, at Nose Hill Public Library, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist https://docmeek.com

For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health http://www.themeekteam.info
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TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
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