“I am grateful for everything!” – from Marci Shimoff’s book, “Happy for No Reason”
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Happy for No Reason
I had always thought I was willing to learn the lessons of life.
However, I had a distinct preference for lessons I liked, the “good things” that happened to me.
I had no real interest in the lessons I didn’t like, the “bad things” that happened to me.
Reminds me of Rich Little’s summary of his life:
“I’ve been rich; I’ve been poor; rich is better.” 😮
Happiness disconnected from life’s circumstances
Marci Shimoff interviewed many people and selected what she called her “Happy Hundred,” whose answers to,”Why are you happy?” were very interesting and very helpful, plus–in some cases–astounding.
One fellow said that he was happy because of his philosophy, which he actually lived. His philosophy was very short:
“I am grateful for everything–I have no complaints whatsoever.”
He meant it and he lived it. And he was happy. No one–or no thing–could take his happiness away.
I was so stunned when I read this that I nearly fell over. I am/was the world’s master complainer. About anything. And everything. Government, religion, weather, roads, enemies, friends. Ouch!
If I can’t complain, what is there to talk about?
I vowed I would adopt this man’s short philosophy. The problem is, I had very little to say. I am so practiced in criticism and judgment, I hardly know how to say a positive thing (except when I am teaching children how to overcome learning problems of course).
When I am teaching kids and adults how to triumph over learning difficulties, I am the epitome of encouragement, smiles, hope and laughter. 😮
I love my work and I have no complaints whatsoever. It is a joy to see kids go from failure to success in school. Or adults go from failure to success in the home or at work.
If you wish, see my previous article on this subject, posted April 30, 2010:
Unhappiness is a learned behavior
To our happiness and even joy, eh?
Doc Meek, Saturday, June 19, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
P.S. “Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy–Video” (copy and paste URL below into your computer’s website browser line):