Posts Tagged ‘learning/teaching’
“Manage your time; teach/learn well.” ~ Doc Meek
Monday, February 27, 2012. Where did February go!? Today I am grateful that I can manage my time, if I learn how! 😮 – Doc Meek
I am thankful for my colleagues at who write me regularly with good ideas for teaching:
Hello Doc,
We hope that you find all of our resources useful. If you need to contact us, you can do so here.
What’s New? | March is not only Women’s History Month, but also World Reading Month! We have resources to get you prepared as well and worksheets for Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2nd.
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Lesson Plans | Get started preparing for World Reading Month at! We have an entire theme page dedicated to lesson planning for this month-long event in March. You will find reading lists, study guides and more to encourage your students to love reading.
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Theme Units | Originally, Women’s History Month was Women’s History Week. It started in California in 1979. Congress recognized Women’s History Month in 1987 and the movement continues to grow with schools around the country moving to educate about and promote the accomplishments of women. Visit the Women’s History Month theme page for a wealth of resources for teaching this important topic.
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Worksheets & Printables |
This week we have many Dr. Seuss worksheets for some fun learning activities to celebrate Dr.Seuss’s birthday on March 2!
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Vote Now | In reference to No Child Left Behind, which would you prefer? Share your thoughts! A. Continue to teach under the current NCLB law. B. NCLB waiver & agree to raise education standards & tie teacher evaluations to student achievement Most respondents so far are in favor of a NCLB waiver (64%). What do you think? Let us know by casting your vote here. . |
Teacher Tools | To coincide with World Reading Month, we are featuring The Monster Exchange, a great teaching tool in this issue. Visit to see how this project can encourage the development of reading and writing skills in your students!
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Submit Your Ideas |
What do you want to see in our newsletter? Perhaps you have some ideas, articles, worksheets or webquests? Please submit your ideas by visiting this page. We’ll be sure to list your name as the author!