Posts Tagged ‘Nelson’

“Escape from depression hell.” ~ Doc Meek

Friday, January 21, 2011. I am grateful for my years of severe clinical depression. What!?

Yes, they were immensely helpful to me. I learned how to escape from the hellhole of depression–permanently. [“Hellhole” is not too strong a word for some depessions.]

And now I am able to help others learn how to overcome their depressions, large and small.

Image from:

There is a new revised edition of this book available at:

I am very grateful for my friend, Jane Nelsen (educator, counselor, author), whose written thoughts have created escape hatches from the hell of depression for many.

As Dr. Nelsen so surprisingly says (of her own experiences with depressions): “My depressions quit lasting very long when I started enjoying them.”

She explains this seemingly outrageous statement on pp. 61-62 of her book entitled From Here to Serenity: Four Principles for Understanding Who You Really Are.

Dr. Nelsen’s book retails for about $20-$25, depending upon where you live. Used copies can be found on for 1 cent [great news for you; might be depressing for the author, eh? :o]

Thank you, Jane Nelsen, for bringing much-needed light to the dark hole of depression!

Doc Meek, Friday, January 21, 2011, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA

P.S. “Tune in” to my next blog about depression, “a many-splendored thing.”