Posts Tagged ‘Restak’

“Think Smart.” ~ Richard Restak, M.D.

Monday, March 21, 2011. Today I am grateful for those who have pursued knowledge about how the brain works. Such a one is Richard Restak, M.D.
Here is what one reader had to say about Dr. Restak’s book:
5 out of 5 stars A book you can use, not just pop sci theory.
I had a boss who used to yell at us “If you don’t think too good don’t think too much”. Just like a Wall Street hero, no? Anyway, he couldn’t be more wrong. This fine book issues from many years of research to proclaim that we truly can become smarter at a profound yet practical level. We can dwarf the IQs so many of us were saddled with as children. There is nothing…
Published 24 months ago by Aceto
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Thank you, Dr. Richard Restak, for taking the time, for many years, to enhance our knowledge of the brain!
Doc Meek, Mon, Mar 21, 2011, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA