“Teacher Appreciation Week brought surprises.” – Doc Meek
Saturday, May 12, 2012. Today I am grateful for those who created time and energy to honor teachers in novel ways during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7 – 11, 2012 in the United States)! – Doc Meek
Images and text above and below from:
Volunteers transform doors at
Mackensen Elementary as part of
Teacher Appreciation Week
Published: Friday, May 11, 2012, 3:05 PM Updated: Friday, May 11, 2012, 3:06 PM
MONITOR TOWNSHIP, MI — When the teachers at Mackensen Elementary stepped into the building on Monday, they were floored by the doors.
The doors to each of their classrooms had been decorated, expressing gratitude to the teacher for the hard work and support they give to the school, 5535 Dennis St.
The designs, different for each teacher, were part of Teacher Appreciation Week. Volunteers at the school spent Saturday putting up the decorations, which were made by a parent of a student in each teacher’s class. Rosie Detzler is the volunteer coordinator at Mackensen, said they planned the project for about five weeks and the teachers had no idea.
“Everything was done by volunteers,” Detzler said.
The payoff was Monday when the teachers came to the school. Some of the teachers were overcome with emotion when they saw the work done.
“It was very overwhelming,” said Maureen Taylor, a kindergarten teacher at the school. “After looking at it, I went into my room to compose myself.”
Total, the volunteers decorated 21 different doors in the school,
Dan Snover teaches fourth grade at the school and coaches little league. His door was covered in baseball themes, including logos of the Atlanta Braves, a team Snover spent three seasons with during his baseball career. He said he was “totally surprised” when he came in Monday.
“It makes you feel proud of what you’re doing,” Snover said.
Other designs included astronauts, flowers, soccer, bees and baking.
First grade teacher Tracy McMartin said they plan to keep the decorations up as long as possible.
“I don’t ever want to take them down,” McMartin said.
Thank you, Rosie Detzler, volunteers, parents and students at Mackensen Elementary, for honoring teachers in such a heart-felt way!
And a grand salute to Zachary Reichard, who wrote this story for us all, and Mlive.com for publishing it for us all!
Doc Meek, Sat, May 12, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA