Are drugs the only effective help for ADD/ADHD?
I know a highly qualified MD who works with children who have been labeled ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). He affirms in his writings, and in his private practice, that the only effective method for treating ADD and ADHD is the use of pharmaceuticals. Many school personnel agree with his opinion.
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Since pharmaceuticals are all that he uses, and about 65% of his patients receive almost immediate help in the form of better attention and focus in the classroom, short-term, he feels he is right. So do the school personnel.
Are drugs really the only answer?
Let’s take a second look.
The help that drugs can provide to children labeled ADD or ADHD can be a “quick start” for some children if that is what you are after.
Long-term, the effects are seriously problematic if steps are not taken to capitalize on the “quick start” by also empowering these drugged children with personal strategies that will help them know they can develop self-managing patterns of behavior and thinking, pill or no pill.
I have been working with children labeled ADD, ADHD, ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and other attentional and learning problems for over 30 years, and I have always had success with children and parents who follow a multi-factor approach, and whose ultimate goal is permanent self-management (pill or no pill):
(1) If the child has not yet been drugged, we show her or him that s/he has the power to beat the “squirmies” for example. Or whatever else the presenting problem is.
(2) We also look at numerous confounding factors, all the way from nutritional deficiencies/needs through to allergies and toxic exposures, many of which are disguised as ADD, ADHD, ODD, Autism, etc.
(3) We engage the child at the level of taking responsibility for self-management and self-improvement, one baby step at a time.
(4) Progress not perfection.
(5) We show parents innovative ways to work with their child to avoid the “never-ending battle of wills.”
(6) “A pill for every ill” is not necessarily the only answer.
(7) If the child is already drugged, we work with the child and the parents to develop personal self-management strategies such that dosages may be reduced or even eliminated.
(8) Learning problems that have been transformed by labeling into seemingly intractable diseases are not as easy to treat as learning problems that are maintained at the level of personal problems to which personal solutions can be discovered with imagination and good will.
(9) It’s a great day when a child learns and knows: “Hey, I can do it!”
To hope and work and self-determination, and more than one single answer,
Doc Meek, May 6, 2010
At Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA; not at South Jordan, Utah, USA