“Anger Can Be Deadly [the solutions].” – Dr. Mercola
This is the second 1/2 of Dr. Mercola’s guest article, Anger Can Be Deadly.
A healthy way to “get your anger out”: a choir of 30 shouting men. 😮 Photo from: http://www.huutajat.org/
I’ve written about anger management before in THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog. If you missed those articles, simply click on the titles: Anger management in schools; Anger Management in Classrooms
Anger Can Be Deadly, by Dr. Joseph Mercola (this is the second 1/2 of the article posted Saturday, July 3, 2010); if you missed the first 1/2 of this article, just click on the title here: “Anger Can Be Deadly [the damage].” – Dr. Mercola
Dr. Mercola’s entire article is from: http://www.healthiertalk.com/anger-can-be-deadly-2008
Your Emotional Health is Intricately Linked to Your Physical Health
Negative emotions will invariably impact your physical well-being, and anger is no different. Emotional factors are actually one of the most important contributing factors for all diseases, including cancer.
That is why an effective strategy to manage your emotional stress has long been a part of my top health tools, and this is because there is overwhelming evidence that your mind does matter when it comes to preventing, or triggering, disease.
The idea that your emotions impact your health and the development of disease is not new. Even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element, but the actual percentage is likely to be even higher.
Your emotions can actually trigger your genes to either express health or disease… and if you’re chronically angry or prone to uncontrolled outbursts you could be inadvertently sabotaging your health.
This is why I highly recommend you work on overcoming your emotional barriers, whether they’re based on life’s anxiety-factors or more deep-seated emotional traumas that may have left you “angry at the world.”
There are a host of techniques to instill positive emotions and thoughts and create a sense of inner-peace, and the best rule is to find the one that works for you, whether it is considered conventional or “alternative,” and keep on using it. Prayer and meditation are helpful for many.
In my clinical practice, I have tried a variety of methods, and have been exposed to many more (both conventional and alternative) through my medical background, but none have come close to the success rate I have experienced with the Meridian Tapping Technique/Emotional Freedom Technique (MTT/EFT).
With EFT, while mentally focusing on the psychological/emotional issues in a positive manner through the use of affirmations, pressure is applied to the same energy points used for thousands of years in acupuncture (these energy points are finally even being recognized as legitimate by the pharmacy- and surgery-addicted American medical establishment.)
These energy points are only tapped, though, not punctured as in acupuncture, as it has been shown that pressure on these points is all that is necessary to activate your body’s bioenergy. This combination of positive mental focus on the issue(s) and physical stimulus to your body’s biochemistry is amazingly effective at eliminating the issue — be it anger, stress, anxiety, etc. — quickly.
Life’s Too Short to Live With Anger
Optimal health involves addressing and resolving your anger and other emotional traumas as quickly as possible — without letting old emotional wounds contribute to more negativity, and therefore disease, in your mind and body.
So in addition to using MTT/EFT as your primary anger-resolution tool, you may also want to try:
- Relaxation techniques (slow deep breathing, meditation, prayer, positive imagery)
- Empathizing with the person (or situation) you’re angry with
- Exercising (vigorous activity is an excellent way to release angry energy that has built up, and gentler exercise, like yoga, can help you calm down afterward)
- Asking yourself, “Will this situation matter in 10 minutes? Tomorrow? Next month? Next year?” Most often, situations you’re angry over mean very little in the greater scheme of your life. Keep this question in mind to help you remember that the situation you’re so angry about now will likely be irrelevant in a short time — and is probably not worth getting worked up over.
When combined, these techniques are extremely effective at both releasing negative energy and putting your mind at ease. ………………………………………………………………………………..
Thank you, Dr. Mercola!
Doc Meek, Sunday, July 11, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
P.S. For more information about healthy heart solutions to anger, see the associate links in my signature block below:
Associate Links: http://www.amiraclemolecule.com/themeekteam
PROTECT YOUR HEALTHY HEART: http://www.themeekteam.info
J Collins Meek, PhD
Email: docmeek@gmail.com
>>> “What if you are smarter than you think?” >>>
THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog: https://docmeek.com
Associate Links: http://www.amiraclemolecule.com/themeekteam
PROTECT YOUR HEALTHY HEART: http://www.themeekteam.info
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