Posts Tagged ‘Amazing Grades’
“Nominate your favorite school for a $3,000 gift.” – Pat Wyman,
Today I am grateful (again) for Pat Wyman’s enduring educational leadership, both in person and in her famous website. – Doc Meek, Wed, Sept 25, 2013, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
Here’s another huge FREE gift announcement from Pat Wyman of
Enter to win $3,000 in school supplies and the Amazing Grades book for your favorite school
The URL (LINK) for the website for this contest is:
Nordic Naturals, the #1 fish oil company in the U.S., is sponsoring the What’s Essential(TM) School Supplies Giveaway September 20 – October 31, 2013.
To enter your favorite elementary, middle, or high school, click here.
Nordic Naturals, a global company based in Watsonville, CA, is committed to giving each generation what it needs to grow healthy and strong. That begins with exceptionally pure and fresh omega oils–essential for optimal health at any age.
Omega-3 fish oils are especially critical for children and students because of the many ways they support brain health.
In Amazing Grades, contributor Dr. Keri Marshall, Chief Medical Officer for Nordic Naturals, writes:
“Recent research suggests that the brain’s frontal lobe, which is associated with impulse control, planning, organization, and decision-making abilities, continues to grow well into a person’s twenties.
“We need all those skills to succeed in life, but especially to succeed in school.”
Dr. Marshall goes on to explain that extensive clinical research shows that the omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil help nourish the brain and offer key benefits in these areas.
“This imbalance in the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats,” Dr. Marshall says in Amazing Grades, “can promote inflammation and may contribute to a variety of health problems, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, and other behavioral and psychological issues.
Attention and Behavior: In a University of South Australia clinical study, 132 children with ADHD between the ages of 7 and 12 who were not on medication were given fish oil capsules. At the end of the study, they were calmer, less impulsive, and showed improvements in attention, behavior, and vocabulary.
Higher Grades and Test Scores: Studies show that just the simple addition of cold-water fish to the diet once a week improves grades and leads to higher scores on intelligence tests.
Learning and Literacy: Improvements in verbal learning and spelling, better information retention, and even taking fewer sick days from school were some of the outcomes noted in a group of children who regularly took omega-3 fish oil supplements. That research was conducted with 355 children between the ages of 7 and 12.
Memory and Problem Solving: During pregnancy, mothers preferentially transfer their own stores of omega-3 to their developing babies. “Researchers have found that children whose mothers consumed enough of these healthy fats while pregnant are more likely to score higher on tests of memory function,” Dr. Marshall writes, “while other evidence suggests that babies who receive formula supplemented with EPA and DHA do better at problem-solving tasks than their peers.”
Lasting Benefits: Research also supports the fact that taking omega-3s has lasting cognitive benefits. Eighteen-year-olds who ate more fish at 15 outperformed their non-fish eating counterparts on tests of combined intelligence, verbal performance, and visiospatial performance.
Dr. Marshall summarizes, in Amazing Grades, “Studies like these demonstrate just how important it is to get omega-3s throughout childhood and adolescence. Yet most people aren’t getting anywhere near what they should. That’s why I and many health care experts recommend supplementing with omega-3s in the form of fish oil (algae oil if you’re vegetarian).”
Dr. Marshall recommends Nordic Naturals award-winning supplements for children because of their exceptional purity and freshness, delivery systems kids enjoy (gummies, chewable soft gels and liquids), and great taste.
To read more of Dr. Marshall’s article, enter your school in the Nordic Naturals What’s Essential School Supplies Giveaway and win a copy of Pat Wyman’s best-selling book Amazing Grades for your school library!
PatPat Wyman
Founder, (707) 837 8180
Best selling author, Amazing Grades; Spelling Made Easy and more – Amazon Author Page
College Professor for teachers”Be ashamed to die before you have won some victory for humanity.” Horace Mann”There are two ways to live your life; one as if nothing is a miracle, and the other as if everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
“Amazing Grades: 101 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades Faster.” – Pat Wyman
Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Today I am grateful for Pat Wyman and her continuing leadership in helping children learn faster and better! Today we are featuring her new book, Amazing Grades, and her email to me introducing this book. – Doc Meek
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Dear Doc,
Very exciting news. Amazing Grades; 101 Ways To Improve Your Grades Faster releases on on August 1st!
Amazing Grades is a worldwide goodwill book with 101 best selling authors and experts, from 13 countries around the world, sharing their strategies for getting better grades faster.
Amazing Grades is the result of a year’s collaboration by 101 authors and is the first book ever to include 3 learning style strategies so that students can master the information in their own style and improve their grades faster. There are video strategies, (scan tags which include related videos); auditory strategies (all authors read their chapters aloud) and kinesthetic strategies so that students can interact with the material in the book.
Inside the book there are life skills strategies in all areas that affect student achievement as well as learning strategies that specifics on:
- How to decrease study time by at least half by using picture maps
- How to get motivated in 5 minutes or less
- How to get rid of learning roadblocks using these 5 specifics
- How to read faster than you ever thought possible
- How to handle any special learning differences such ADHD
- How to speed read so you can finish college faster
for students ages 12 through college and there are special sections as well for parents and teachers.
Should you want to link to more on Amazing Grades, here is our web page:
We think this book will rock every student’s, parents’ and teacher’s world!
Pat Wyman, M.A.
CEO and Founder, (707) 837 8180
Best selling author, Amazing Grades
Best selling co-author, Book of the Year in Medicine, The Official Autism 101 Manual
University Instructor, California State University, East Bay
“Be ashamed to die before you have won some victory for humanity.” Horace Mann
“There are two ways to live your life; one as if nothing is a miracle, and the other as if everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
Doc Meek, Tues, July 31, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
P.S. I was privileged to be invited by Pat Wyman to write a chapter on Dylexia for her book Amazing Grades:
Here is a link to my earlier blog post on Dyslexia: