Posts Tagged ‘reading’

“I can read!” – Doc Meek

reading photo: MARLEY READING 732.jpgImage from:

Today I am full of gratitude that I live in a literacy culture. I am so glad that my mother learned to read as a child. She is 95 years old now and can’t do many things, but she still enjoys reading! Even when she’s confined to her bed. – Doc Meek

This is your Newsletter from Pat Wyman
Re:  Fix the most common reading problem in 5 minutes
Dear Doc,
Today’s article is from our reading expert, Bonnie Terry, of
Kids that take a long time to read or do their homework typically actually have a reading problem known as reading fluency problems whether they have a learning disability, dyslexia, or ADHD. In fact even kids that are gifted can even have reading fluency problems.

In all my years as a learning disability specialist and educational therapist I can easily say that about 95% of the students I’ve seen in my 35+ years of teaching kids with reading problems have had reading fluency problems. Reading fluently describes how a skilled reader reads aloud.

Let me give you an example…I met Jason in March; he was in 4th grade.  He had brown straight hair and a great smile, although he didn’t smile very often then. He was floundering; it took what seemed like ‘forever’ to read. He repeated, skipped, and substituted words when he read, too. It was painful to listen to his stilted repetitive reading.  His classmates were zooming right past him. His mom Kate was losing sleep over what to do and how to help him. She had already been told by the school that Jason would most likely be held back.

Kate, at a loss for what to do contacted me and told me what was going on. First I reassured her that there was much that she could do as a parent to help Jason. Then we got started.

I knew we needed to work quickly to get his reading level up so that he wouldn’t be held back. One of the keys to Jason’s improvement was reading fluency training which helped him to sound out words more quickly and read accurately without repeating, skipping or substituting words. By the end of his third session of specific fluency activities he had already improved his reading speed and accuracy. Within several days he went from 30 words per minute to 60 words per minute. His confidence soared.

What Causes Reading Fluency Problems

Reading problems are typically due to a combination of learning skills, areas of perception, that aren’t working as well as they could, should, and can. And you can have a reading problem without having dyslexia or a learning disability.

So, what specifically was going on with Jason?

Jason did not have an actual learning disability or dyslexia. What Jason did have was a variety of areas of perception (visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic) that weren’t working as well as they could have been which impacted his ability to read fluently.

Jason was very bright; he just couldn’t read quickly enough to gain meaning from what he read. So, to improve both Jason’s speed of reading and his comprehension, a major component of what we did was reading fluency training which improved his speed, accuracy, and comprehension as well as the areas of perception that were not working as well as they should have.
Continue reading here for:

The Most Important Activity A Parent Can Do to Boost Reading

Pat Wyman, The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, Inc., 4535 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89102Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options

“Reading . . . worth mastering forever.” – Doc Meek

“I’ve always loved reading.” – Doc Meek

I found that reading takes me into realms of knowledge about people, places and things . . .  and everything! I can soar to the moon and on to the cosmos, plummet the depths of the sea, and do everything in between.

And I can go backwards and forwards in time, and remain in the moment of now if I want to.

“Paying attention to now is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.” 😮

Who gave me this quotation (I can’t remember right now)?

I can read slow and savor. I can read fast and furious [speed, not affect 😮 ]. Or I can read a mile a minute, if I have to. If I want to. (Using Photoreading, courtesy of my friend Dr. Paul Scheele and The Learning Strategies Corporation).

Fun to read a big book in 10 – 12   minutes, eh?

A guest blog from Sean Stephenson

Just got an email from Sean Stephenson on the topic of reading. I enjoy his blithe spirit.

Here’s Sean’s article from his blog (copy and paste Sean’s URL below into your computer’s browser line to access his website):

June 10, 2010

Readers Are Leaders

Written by Sean Stephenson in Inspiration

Reading is an invaluable asset that helps us shape our thoughts and actions. By reading, we can unlock our true potential at earth-shattering speeds.

When we allow ourselves to be immersed in new ideas and foreign concepts, we expose our minds to a new way of thinking.  These new perspectives help us gain a competitive advantage over others – and the best part about it, is reading is virtually free! (other than our time of course. :o).

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

So read more, grow your imagination and invest in your future. I guarantee you won’t regret it. On that note, here’s my list of book recommendations:

  • The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristol
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  • One Small Step by Robert Maurer
  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
  • Mastery by George Burr
  • Get Off Your But by Sean Stephenson 😮

Love life,

P.S. Please leave some of your own recommendations in the comments!  I’d so love to hear them.

Above guest article from Sean’s blog (copy and paste Sean’s URL below into your computer’s browser line to access his website):

Blessings, Doc Meek, June 10, 2010

At Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA; not at South Jordan, Utah, USA

P.S. Like Sean says:

Please leave some of your own book recommendations in the comments!  I’d so love to hear them!