Posts Tagged ‘active learning’
My book published (finally!) – Doc Meek
My book published (finally!)
Title of my Learning Difficulties book on
What if you are smarter than you think?: 27 ways to outwit Learning Difficulties
By J. Collins Meek, Learning Specialist author
Ordering Links:
Amazon USA
Amazon Canada
P.S. My Learning Difficulties book might make a good gift for a loved one?
Success in Spellling
Bonnie Terry Learning’s
Wonderful Weekly Tip
Hi Doc!
This week’s tip is about what causes problems with spelling.
Many children and even adults have problems with spelling.
Spell check can often only get you so far.
Sometimes spell check cannot even tell what word you are trying to spell.
You may have even written a word that is a word but not the word you intended to write.
Poor spelling abilities can lead to a lack of confidence and poor performance at school.
Spelling and reading are interconnected, so one step in improving reading skills is to improve your spelling skills.
This is the reason why we include spelling instruction in our reading and spelling program. We teach spelling through spelling patterns.
So what are the primary areas of auditory and visual processing that affect spelling problems?
Head over to Bonnie Terry’s blog post to learn more.
Misuse of words
The medical use of a sequence of words to describe the progression of a brand-new unique human being from conception to birth is useful. Thus we can read or speak of the progression from zygote to embryo to fetus to newborn human being. This use of words is also generally “neutral” and “innocent,” in that it is generally meant to merely be descriptive of the anatomical development of the new human being.
But the misuse of these descriptive words can also be “deceitful” and even “malevolent.”
For example, a well-known medical doctor who was making a lot of money practicing abortion [medically destroying brand-new unique human beings] said [referring to the early development of the brand-new unique human being]:
“A pile of bricks does not a fireplace make.”
This highly-educated medical doctor knew his assertion was/is an abhorrent misuse of words, a blatant lie. Correcting his blatantly dishonest analogy is a must:
“The newly-formed unique human being is [analogically-speaking] a perfectly-formed miniature fireplace and [if not destroyed] will grow into a fully-functioning fireplace which is capable of warming good hearts everywhere.”
It is vitally important here for me [a man] to say this:
“Since I do not have a womb, I cannot in any way judge any woman [who is lied to in this way]. It is impossible for me to feel how onerous is the 9-month-long-task of creating a magnificent new human being for planet earth.”
Furthermore, I cannot in any way judge any woman who is told the truth either.
It is not my calling to render judgment, but to render compassion.
James Collins (“Doc”) Meek, PhD
“What motivates your child?” – Bonnie Terry
Dear Reader,
Bonnie Terry is a learning expert you want to know. Head over to her website and be inspired:
Kind regards,
Doc Meek, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
August 19, 2021
“Cooperative and Active Learning.” – Rob Plevin

Today I am full of gratitude for the high impact that cooperative and active learning have for students. I am also grateful for my cyber colleague, Rob Plevin, and my dear friend Merrill Harmin, who encourage all students to be more active in their own learning processes and in overcoming their own learning difficulties. – Doc Meek, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA, Fri, Aug 16, 2013
P.S. Nice to get your great newsletter below, Rob!
Dear Doc,
Our summer sale bonanza is coming to an end very soon.
We only have one more product to run at discount plus another ‘secret’ product which I may announce very soon (you don’t want to miss that one if we do decide to run it).
For now, the product we have at HALF OFF is…
Cooperative and Active Learning in Lessons
…and it’s on sale for just THREE MORE DAYS – until Monday 19th August.
This is actually one of my favourite resources – I loved putting this together because it contains a lot of the activities that my students enjoyed when I used to teach. In fact, the activities are so good, I now use them in our live courses and workshops.
The activities are suitable for practically any age group and any subject – with minimal adaptation – and you’ll find them PERFECT if you’re looking for ways to…
- Get students working together cooperatively (Hint: this is one of the EASIEST ways to reduce behaviour problems and improve participation – even bored, switched off students get a huge kick from working like this).
- Put more ACTIVITY in your lessons – you’ve no-doubt heard that a large proportion of ‘troublesome’ students tend to be kinesthetic learners. If you try and teach these students using didactic, lecture-style methods they will HATE it! The way to make subjects accessible and appealing to these students is to include some activity in the learning tasks – get them on their feet and ‘doing’ stuff. These activities will enable you to make any subject more ‘hands-on’.
- Make subject content STICK – It’s obvious, when students are truly engaged in the learning process there is much more chance that the information you give them will actually be remembered. The activities in this resource will give you countless ways to INVOLVE all your students in fun, interactive ways they will LOVE.
The pack includes:
- Cooperative and active learning templates and activities
- Fun grouping tips
- Instructions for managing super-enjoyable and successful group work sessions
- Active teaching strategies
- Editable print-ready resource templates
- Novel ideas for getting ALL your students involved
- And much much more…
Click here to get your copy for HALF OFF (three more days only)
Best wishes,
Rob Plevin
PS remember, our sale is coming to an end very, very soon so this is your last chance to take advantage of the other products on sale here.
Behaviour Needs LTD
First Floor Offices
North Friarages, Frairgate
Penrith, Cumbria
CA11 7XR
Great Britain
“Teaching can get in the way of learning.” – Doc Meek
Saturday, October 27, 2012: Today I am grateful for those who jog our minds about how we learn (and teach)! – Doc Meek
Text below was posted in: TENNESSEE TEACHING AND LEARNING CENTER BLOG on June 13, 2012.
What Works in Student Learning, and
What Gets in the Way – Teaching –
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle reviewed a recent conference on student learning, sponsored by the Teagle Foundation, What Works in Student Learning, and What Gets in the Way – Teaching – The Chronicle of Higher Education. Attendants considered the state of student learning in higher education.
Among their suggestions: Students should be active in constructing their own learning, and activities should stimulate not just their intellects but their emotions.
As often happens, the comments are as interesting as the article. Among the comments are questions serving students with disabilities as well as a bit of debate about “learning” versus “teaching.” A large amount of comments point out that what was said at the conference has been well-established and said before.
This is true. However, we who are currently teaching in higher education are at different stages–and with different training to support our skills at teaching. New assistant professors may or may not have had graduate training in teaching and learning theories and in pedagogical practice. There is some interesting research (and hopefully there will be more) that shows the more professors know teaching and learning principles and understand student learning, the more successful they are at evaluating and improving their courses (Milton & Lyons, 2003).
For new professors, the amount of teacher preparation is changing as more universities establish graduate teaching certification programs. These programs allow those students who are not in departments that traditionally provide a lot of support (graduate students in Language and English programs, for instance, teach a lot and usually are provided with a lot of training by their home departments). For others, though, they may start their first job with no training or experience in teaching! For the rest of us, most midsize and large institutions have teaching and learning centers to provide ongoing support.
We in academia are slow to change (are you shocked by this statement?) We honor traditions, yet the traditional lecture is slowly being replaced by “active lecturing” in which students get involved or by active learning in the classroom, in which the lecture is minimized or moved out of the in-class session entirely (as in the flipped classroom). This movement to change our pedagogical practice is slow but follows decades of research on promoting student learning, as the conference participants noted.
Finally, our students have changed (again, not a shock to point this out). They have changed in response to our culture and cultural priorities, our uses of technology, our economy, and other changes in the West (I want to be careful to distinguish between a U.S. university and those in developing countries).
Much of our professional lives have remained the same–we balance research and teaching and service, in proportions dependent on our type of school. For some of us, our teaching in and of itself has not changed. However, job security has lessened, demands on our time have increased, student expectations have changed, and public expectations have increased. However we address these issues, we must remind our stakeholders that we are teaching always the new generation. What will our culture do to support our mission in higher ed?
Thank you, TENNESSEE TEACHING AND LEARNING CENTER at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for teaching us how to teach better!
Doc Meek, Sat, Oct 27, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
CANADA: Dr. Meek (587) 400-4707, Edmonton, AB
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 81, Nuku’alofa
USA: Dr. Meek (801) 738-3763, South Jordan, Utah
For optimum brain health, ensure your heart health:
More on heart health:
USA: Jeannette (801) 971-1812; South Jordan, Utah
CANADA: Jeannette (587) 333-6923, Calgary, Alberta
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
Can Moms teach kids how to run their own brains? – Doc Meek
Friday, October 19, 2012, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
“Today I am grateful for the Moms who asked me to share again some secrets about kids learning to run their own brains, to engage active learning skills. I first published these secrets in a series of 7 articles back in 2010 and I am re-posting them here now.” – Doc Meek
“Today I am grateful for mothers and grandmothers!” – Doc Meek
Cheerful Grandmother with cheerful child
This is the seventh (7th) article in a series of seven (7) articles designed to help us run our own brain, and to help our children and students do the same, more easily and have more fun doing it. If you missed the Introduction or any of the previous six (6) articles, just click on the titles below:
(Intro) Learning to run our brain: 10 minutes daily
(1) Learning to run our own brain: Fear of failure
(2) Learning to run our brain: Vital need for HOPE . . . always
(3) Learning to run our brain: What are qualifications for the daily “brain coach?”
(4a) Learning to run our brain: Simple easy examples of how to proceed
(4b) Learning to run our brain: Remembering names
(5) Learning to run our brain: The eyes don’t see–the brain sees
(6) Learning to run our brain: Tasks of the “back 90″
Separate the Mother role from the Teacher role
When I worked with families in helping children to overcome learning difficulties, often there would be a battle going on at home which one mother described as “the homework wars.”
I would ask what was being taught. The mother would give me the school subjects being “taught.” I would then say:
Those subjects are not actually what is being taught. What is being taught is to hate learning and maybe even to hate your role in that. Is that what you want?
An emphatic “No” from the mother.
Then maybe we should take a larger perspective here.
School is not life.
Life is life.
And school–though important–is only part of life.
As Dr. Levine often says, “These kids are in general OK. We just need to get them safely into adulthood.”
When school was taking the child’s whole day–all of it unpleasant or painful–I felt that a better balance should come into play.
The child would go to school all day and then do homework all evening until bedtime. Not good.
No more homework until further notice!
I would ask the mothers to stop trying to be the school teacher, since the child had had enough of school teachers at school, without finding one at home every day until bedtime.
I asked the mothers to do what mothers generally do singularly well: just love them! Learn to have fun with them. So at least a part of the child’s day is pleasant and enjoyable and, in particular, human and humane.
Sometimes I would write an official letter to the school, requesting: “No more homework until further notice.”
Then the mother and the child could get on with life, while I and an external-to-the-home “brain coach” could help the child overcome his or her learning difficulties.
Grandmothers are great too
Sometimes the mothers were too busy to simply enjoy recreational time with the child and so we would bring grandma into play. If the child had no grandma near, we would borrow one from the neighborhood or even from a nearby “old folks home.”
The Grandmas loved it!
Here’s to Moms and Grandmas!
Doc Meek, Thurs, Oct 19, 2012, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
CANADA: Dr. Meek (587) 400-4707, Edmonton, AB
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 81, Nuku’alofa
USA: Dr. Meek (801) 738-3763, South Jordan, Utah
For optimum brain health, ensure your heart health:
More on heart health:
USA: Jeannette (801) 971-1812; South Jordan, Utah
CANADA: Jeannette (587) 333-6923, Calgary, Alberta
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
“Learn to solve problems by expanding your definition of thinking.” ~ Doc Meek
Sunday, October 23, 1939. Today I was born, and I am so grateful for my mother, who suffered much and long to bring me into the world today. ~ James Collins Meek III 😮
Sunday, October 23, 2011. Today (my Natal Anniversary!) I am so grateful to be an active learning participant in Paul Scheele’s transformational learning workshop. I wish with all my heart that my wife Jeannette were able to be here with me! ~ Doc Meek
Or access Paul Scheele’s latest book, Drop Into Genius, at:
Or watch Paul discuss his book, Drop Into Genius, on YouTube:

Paul Scheele introduces his new book, Drop Into Genius. – YouTube | | 2, 2010 – 3 min – Uploaded by ReclaimYourGenius Paul Scheele, CEO of Scheele Learning Systems, shares an overview of his new book, Drop Into Genius. He explains how … |
More videos for drop into genius by paul scheele »
Thank you, Paul Scheele, for bringing to all of us greater awareness of the genius within!
Doc Meek, Sunday, October 23, 2011 (my Natal Anniversary), Oakridge Hotel, Chaska, Minnesota, USA, and the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Chanhassen, MN, USA
Pond adjacent to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum’s Iris Garden, Chaska, Minnesota.
Image from:
P.S. For more information on Paul Scheele’s “Ultimate U Retreat”:
“I was in Tonga as a Learning Specialist.” – Doc Meek
Tuesday, September 13, 2011. Today I am so happy and grateful for my good connections with Tongans and the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific Islands. ~ Doc Meek, Neurological Learning Specialist
Beautiful Tongan sunset
Tongan sunset image from:
Watch a gentle Tongan sunset-time video at this link below:
Lucky me! I got to see the Tongan culture and lifestyle first-hand, and for more than two years, thank heaven!
I was appointed as an Adjunct Professor of Education out of BYU-H (Brigham Young University-Hawaii) in 1999, and sent to the Kingdom of Tonga with my beloved wife Jeannette. Both of us were appointed to participate in the ITEP (International Teacher Education Program) sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The teachers and students and the administrators all worked together to raise the student achievement dramatically.
Way to go Tonga educators!
They helped the students get higher marks and they also helped them change attitudes, behaviors, and cooperation with other students and teachers.
The results? Happier students and healthier students (and wealthier students, wealthy of mind). 😮
They took the meaning of active learning beyond expectations.
And they took my “heads-hearts-hands-hope” inclusivity to a new high.
The Tongans taught me more than I taught them.
Tongans are generous of heart and mind, non-judgmental, and they loved and respected me.
And Tongans loved and respected my wife Jeannette even more.
Naturally! She’s better looking than I am! 🙂
And we loved and respected Tongans.
Jeannette was a real hit with the students and their parents. She directed a 150-voice Tongan choir, mostly youth, and learned to appreciate the saying, “When Tongans sing, the angels sing with them.”
Tongans can sing 7-part harmony a capella, with ease and grace.
And they can dance too! Sometimes wildly. 😮 Wow!
Jeannette also taught an English class for young adults who had all failed to pass their “big English Test” in high school. Thus their gateway to higher education was closed to them (at least in their minds, and in the minds of their parents).
Permanent “doom.” No hope.
Until Jeannette showed up and pointed out (dramatically):
“I don’t care how others have graded you. I am going to grade you up!”
She added (as some of the students thought this palangi [Caucasian] teacher might give them all an easy “pass”):
“We are going to study and write that exam again; then we are going to study and write that exam again; and then we are going to study and write that exam again!”
The students were stunned.
The thought of writing that dreaded exam again and again was not part of the cultural norm at that time.
If you flunked, you flunked. That was it. You were an “educational failure for life.”
Jeannette faithfully taught a class of 32 students (who came from far and wide when they heard about her famous English class).
Twenty-eight (28) went on to higher education. And the rest carried their newly-found self-confidence into other great opportunities.
We are forever grateful to the first student in Jeannette’s class: Uini, whose dear father asked Jeannette if she would help his daughter with English.
Thank you Tongans for the greatest two years in any land!
A special salute to the parents and teachers and students and administrators in all the Tongan Islands.
And a dozen “high fives” for Mele Taumoepeau, who was Principal of Liahona High School on Tongatapu during my time in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Mele made the hard work sing! Thank you, Mele!
Kindness, Doc
Doc Meek, Tues, September 13, 2011, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
P.S. My beloved wife Jeannette is now building her new health and wellness business, which is giving new hope and health and wellness to people with heart disease and diabetes:
“Music empowers people with LD.” ~ Pang Hin Yue
Friday, August 26, 2011. Today I am so grateful for those who are inspired to teach those who don’t learn as easily as others. Brian John Lim is such a teacher. ~ Doc Meek
Music to empower people with learning
disabilities [Learning Differences]
By PANG HIN YUE, published in The Star Online, Wed, Aug 24, 2011
Former child prodigy Brian John Yim reaches out to the learning disabled and helps autistic teenager Umar Hasfizal realise his potential as a singer with his debut album.
WHEN he was four years old, Brian John Yim’s father left him and his younger brother with their mother and took everything away except an organ. The very object of his sadness became his source of comfort and inspiration. “The organ was the only connection I had with my dad,” says Yim. With no money for piano lessons but an ear for music, he would listen and play the organ as his mother and grandmother sang along.
By the time he turned eight, his mother, Gan Lee Yong, an insurance agent then, had saved enough money for him to take up piano. He was so good that he leapfrogged to fifth grade. Within two years, he completed the final eighth grade. But the child prodigy wanted more – to pursue a course on Electone (electronic organs produced by Yamaha).

But staying in Mentakab, a small town in Pahang, did not help. “There was no organ teacher in Mentakab,” recalls the 28-year-old. Undeterred, he decided to learn it at a Yamaha school in Kuala Lumpur. So for one year, every Sunday, he would faithfully take a two-hour bus ride on his own to KL to attend a 45-minute lesson and then hop on the next available bus to go back home.
By 12, he passed his Electone exam, an achievement few can boast of.
To make sure he did not lose out academically, Yim poured his heart into his studies – just as he did with music – scoring straight-As. When he wasn’t studying, the brilliant boy could be found performing at social functions in his hometown.
Image and text above from:
Thank you, Brian John Yim, for inspiring us to help those who need help to be successful learning in their own right! Active teaching and active learning are a winning combination!
Doc Meek, Fri, Aug 26, 2011, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA