Archive for September, 2010
“Grab onto the attitude of gratitude!” – Doc Meek
- Thursday, September 16, 2010. I am not only grateful to Mike Berry [DynamicMike] for these images and text, I am deeply indebted.
- Look at the kids’ smiles!!!
- ~ Mike Berry [DynamicMike]
The next time you’re in a bad mood …. maybe you need to remember this one. Your attitude toward life defines not only who you are, but the quality of life you will have.
Images from Mike Berry [DynamicMike]:
Could Your Attitude Be Affecting Your Outlook?
Thank you, Mike Berry!
Doc Meek, Thurs, Sept 16, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
“Visualize your goals & win,” by Pat Wyman
Wed, Sept 15, 2010. I am always grateful to hear from my educator colleague, Pat Wyman. She emailed me with her “ Instant Learning Tips Newsletter.”

Dear Doc,
Have you ever set goals, or had your child set goals, only to
notice they went by the wayside?
Over the years, I’ve noticed that setting goals without
actually seeing them in your mind, tends to limit their
Finally, I found a great tool that allows you to set goals,
sub-goals, manage tasks, build habits, visualize your goals with
a vision board and more…
Check it out here:
Pat Wyman
The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, Inc., 4535 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89102 …………………………….
Thank you, Pat!
Doc Meek, Wed, Sept 15, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
“Pour your purse into your head.” – Benjamin Franklin
Tuesday, September 14, 2010. I am grateful for knowledge. “Knowledge is power,” I have been wont to say. My wife Jeannette likes to add, “Not if you don’t apply it.” Well said, Jeannette!
And as Benjamin Franklin said: “Your best investment is to pour your purse into your head, and no one can take it away from you.”
Images from: TSA, University of Michigan:
My sister Anita says that knowledge increases in universities and schools: “The incoming students bring a little in, the graduates take none away, and knowledge accumulates.” 😮
Thank you, Anita!
Not all knowledge comes from books or formal schooling. There are infinite opportunities for all of us, parents, children, teachers and students to learn much that lies adjacent to, or outside of, formal learning situations.
For me, reading a lot and observing and interacting with life in the world of reality, helps me be not only a more knowledgeable person, it also helps me be a better person.
“Every day in every way, I am becoming better and better!” says my friend. 😮
Doc Meek, Tues, Sept 14, 2010, at Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
A placid lake and a new friend
Monday, September 13, 2010. I am grateful for my health issues that call up my empathy for others who are struggling with health issues.
Yesterday, Sunday, September 12, 2010, I was standing on the lawn in a park bordering on a church building. I was quietly contemplating the placid lake in the centre of the park, with about a hundred Canada Geese sedately swimming therupon. Many pairs could be discerned as they mate for life.
Canada Geese on a lake different from the one I was standing beside. |
Image from:
Quietly I became aware of a person nearby. Shy. We spoke briefly and then we were able to speak about health isssues and how profoundly they can impact our lives. Especially health issues related to the brain and memory.
We both valued each other, learned a lot from each other, and went our way, perhaps to meet again by happenstance as we had just done, or perhaps not to meet again, as neither one of us lived near the lake.
Doc Meek, Monday, September 13, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
Too many gratitudes to write up!
Saturday, Sept 11, 2010. Too many gratitudes to write up and not enough to do it in! :o)
Doc Meek, Saturday, September 11, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
Gratitude for chores from which I can learn much
Friday, September 10, 2010. I am grateful that I can learn something every day, even from simple daily chores. I am grateful for the busy day today, in which I was able to help look after my 92-year-old Mom’s health and my own health, and also help Mom with her finances.
I learned much from these simple everyday activities. I will write more here when I am not so tired and I have more time. 😮
Doc Meek, Friday, September 10, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
The “brain below” & Chi Nei Tsang
Thursday, September 9, 2010. Today I am grateful for Peter Melnychuk and his willingness to explain our “brain below” and Chi Nei Tsang [chee-nayt-song] or CNT. You can click on our previous article entitled: The Second Brain
The brain below and Chi Nei Tsang by Peter Melnychuk
Doc Meek, Thursday, September 9, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
“Gratitude Rocks.” – Lee Brower
Wednesday, September 8, 2010. Today I am grateful for people who are able to express gratitude. – Doc Meek
gratitude rock by secretloavideos | 1 year ago | 1,065 views
Thank you Lee!
Doc Meek, Wednesday, September 8, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude
Tuesday, September 7, 2010. On the advice of a friend, I carry a pebble in my pocket; whenever I touch it I think of something for which I am grateful.
I walked by sister-in-law’s garden and she has thousands of pebbles lining her garden. So my mind started swirling through a thousand gratitudes. 😮
Here’s Rhonda Byrne of “The Secret” reminding us of our many gratitudes. See:
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret and The PowerFrom The Secret Daily Teachings Begin your day by feeling grateful. Be grateful for the bed you just slept in, the roof over your head, the carpet or floor under your feet, the running water, the soap, your shower, your toothbrush, your clothes, your shoes, the refrigerator that keeps your food cold, the car that you drive, your job, your friends. Be grateful for the stores that make it so easy to buy the things you need, the restaurants, the utilities, services, and electrical appliances that make your life effortless. Be grateful for the magazines and the books that you read. Be grateful for the chair that you sit on, and the pavement that you walk on. Be grateful for the weather, the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, the grass, the rain, and the flowers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne Visit The Secret site | World Languages | Latest News |
Thank you, Rhonda Byrne!
Doc Meek, Tuesday, September 7, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist
For brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095
“The hands of women make the world work better.” – Doc Meek
Monday, September 6, 2010. I am grateful today (Labor Day in Canada and the US) for this eloquent and beautiful article sent to me by Catherine Wilkes, a Charterer Psychologist in Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA. See:
This is a great tribute to women, the often unsung laborers that make the world work better.
Grandma, some ninety plus years, sat feebly on the patio bench. She didn’t move, just sat with her head down staring at her hands.
When I sat down beside her she didn’t acknowledge my presence and the longer I sat I wondered if she was OK.
Finally, not really wanting to disturb her but wanting to check on her at the same time, I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head and looked at me and smiled. ‘Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking,’ she said in a clear voice strong..
‘I didn’t mean to disturb you, grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK,’ I explained to her.
‘Have you ever looked at your hands,’ she asked. ‘I mean really looked at your hands?’
I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. I turned them over, palms up and then palms down. No, I guess I had never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point she was making.
Grandma smiled and related this story:
‘Stop and think for a moment about the hands you have, how they have served you well throughout your years. These hands, though wrinkled, shriveled and weak have been the tools I have used all my life to reach out and grab and embrace life.
They braced and caught my fall when as a toddler I crashed upon the floor.
They put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. As a child, my mother taught me to fold them in prayer. They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They held my husband and wiped my tears when he went off to war.
They have been dirty, scraped and raw , swollen and bent. They were uneasy and clumsy when I tried to hold my newborn son. Decorated with my wedding band they showed the world that I was married and loved someone special.
They wrote my letters to him and trembled and shook when I buried my parents and spouse.
‘They have held my children and grandchildren, consoled neighbors, and shook in fists of anger when I didn’t understand.
They have covered my face, combed my hair, and washed and cleansed the rest of my body. They have been sticky and wet, bent and broken, dried and raw. And to this day when not much of anything else of me works real well, these hands hold me up, lay me down, and again continue to fold in prayer.
These hands are the mark of where I’ve been and the ruggedness of life.
But more importantly it will be these hands that God will reach out and take when he leads me home. And with my hands He will lift me to His side and there I will use these hands to touch the face of God.
I will never look at my hands the same again. But I remember God reached out and took my grandma’s hands and led her home. When my hands are hurt or sore or when I stroke the face of my children and husband I think of grandma. I know she has been stroked and caressed and held by the hands of God.
I, too, want to touch the face of God and feel His hands upon my face.
When you receive this, say a prayer for the person who sent it to you, and watch God’s answer to prayer work in your life. Let’s continue praying for one another…
Thank you Grandma! And thank you, women of the world!
Doc Meek, Monday, September 6, 2010, at Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
Learning Specialist https://docmeek.comFor brain health, ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE, INC.
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: 3688 W 9800 S, #138, South Jordan, UT 84095=======================================