Posts Tagged ‘docmeek’
4 Low-cost Engaging Lessons for Middle Schoolers – Susan Lee
Doc Meek thanks Susan Lee for her helpful guest article here!
4 Inexpensive, Engaging Lessons for
Middle Schoolers
Middle school teachers spend a great deal of time designing lessons that are engaging, yet easy on their wallets. As states cut education funding and schools struggle to provide supplies and materials other than the most basic essentials, teachers are left to find inexpensive activities for their classrooms. To make the process a little easier, here are three inexpensive, engaging lessons for middle schoolers that are sure to make both the students and the teachers happy.
PHOTO CREDIT: Image via Pixabay by wilhei
Going to Great Lengths – Middle School Math Lesson
Measurement and estimation are two important concepts in middle school math. To make it more engaging than having students measure using worksheets, or even measuring predetermined objects, send students on a scavenger hunt around the classroom or school.
To begin, group students evenly int0o teams. Place three objects of varying length in the front of the classroom and ask each team to estimate the length of each object. Don’t give them the unit of measurement, so that you can formatively assess their ability to use correct measurement units. (*Hint: Choose objects that would require different units, such as inches, feet, and yards.) Then, ask for volunteers to come up front and measure the objects to s0ee which team’s estimate was closest to being accurate. (*Hint: If you don’t have enough rulers or yard sticks for each team, cut string to the length of a ruler and yard stick and use a marker to mark off the inches/feet.)
Then, instruct the teams to leave their measuring tools at their seats while they scour the classroom or designated school areas for items that correspond to your measurement specifications. Teams will have to estimate the lengths of the objects when choosing them, and then return to their tables to measure the objects’ actual length. The team with the objects that are closest to your requested measurements wins.
Vocabulary Hot Potato – Middle School Language Arts or Social Studies Lesson
Whether you are teaching academic vocabulary or vocabulary specific to a text or spelling lesson, you can teach it and have students practice it in a more engaging way with Hot Potato Vocabulary. This inexpensive, engaging vocabulary lesson requires a small foam ball or tennis ball, a source of music (radio, iPod, CD player, etc.), your students, and a list of the vocabulary terms. By the way, you may be a little leery of playing a physical game in your classroom, but don’t fret: there are strategies for classroom management during gameplay that are very effective.
Instruct students to stand in a circle. They should have their vocabulary lists on the floor at their feet, or you can direct them to a large poster of the vocabulary lists hanging on the wall near them somewhere. You will begin playing the music at a minimal volume, and you will toss the ball to a student while the music plays. Students continue to toss the ball to one another until you stop the music, a la musical chairs.
When you stop the music, give a definition or example of one of the vocabulary words to the student who was caught holding the ball when the music stopped. If the student answers correctly, he remains in the game. If he answers incorrectly, he returns to his seat and completes a vocabulary activity that you have prepared ahead of time. The game continues until you run out of vocabulary words, or until there is only one student left in the game.
Pirates – Middle School History Unit
Middle schoolers respond best to lessons that are fun and engaging, and few historical topics meet those requirements better than the study of pirates. To kick off your unit on pirates, you might surprise the kids by showing up in a pirate costume. It’s a great way to get the lesson off to a fun start and it’s sure to get their attention right off the bat.
Then, get rolling with a few of the activities offered by the New England Pirate Museum. For example, have your students research a well-known pirate and then write a few entries in that pirate’s diary. You could also have students research and sketch the different types of ships that were used by pirates. Another great option is to have students research pirate vocabulary and choose the provided definition that would have been most applicable to a pirate’s way of life. Finally, you might end the unit with a scavenger hunt using pirate-fact inspired clues.
Levitating Orbs – Middle School Science Lesson
Static electricity is one of the most fun concepts to teach to middle schoolers, especially because many of them have had personal experience with being zapped by it at some point. For this inexpensive, engaging lesson on Levitating Orbs, you will need PVC pipe, about one inch wide by 24 inches long. If you don’t have any pipe, a regular balloon will work as well. You also will need mylar tinsel [not metallic tinsel] left over from Christmas, but make sure that you find the thinnest and narrowest possible. There’s a good chance you will be able to find some in a clearance bin at a discount store or craft store, no matter the time of year you look. You’ll also need one head of clean, dry hair and scissors.
Photo from:
Tie six strands of tinsel together at one end, and then tie another knot about six inches from the first knot. Cut off the loose strands. Charge the pipe (or balloon) by rubbing it back and forth on your head for about 10 seconds. Then, hold the mylar orb by the knot above the pipe (or balloon) and let it drop to touch the charged object. The orb should repel and begin to float. (*Note, you should try this before doing it with the class, because if the mylar sticks it is more than likely too thick and not going to work.)
Students should then experiment by making orbs with more or fewer strands of tinsel, trying to create static electricity with other materials, such as their clothes, especially if some are wearing wool sweaters or furry boots, and timing to see how long the charge lasts. Can they do anything to make the charge last longer? Give students time to conduct their own investigations and experiments and then report their results.
Nearly any lesson can become an inexpensive, engaging activity when you share your enthusiasm and love of learning with students. Don’t be afraid to substitute materials to save money, or to approach local businesses for donations or discounts when you show your teacher ID.
Susan Lee may be a former teacher, but she is a lifetime educator. As a mother to three college-age children, she knows how difficult paying for college can be. And that’s why she finds her work with so rewarding. As a writer and researcher, she loves being able to connect students in need with the scholarships that help make achieving their dreams possible. In her spare time, she loves camping with her husband and volunteering at a local animal shelter.
Salute to mothers everywhere! – Doc Meek
Saturday, June 15, 2013 @ South Jordan, Utah, USA.
Today I am full of gratitude for mothers all over the world who teach and treasure their young. – Doc Meek
“How grateful we are . . . ” – Pat Wyman
Tuesday, November 20, 2012. Today I am grateful for the Thanksgiving message of gratitude that Pat Wyman sent, so I am passing the joy on to you. – Doc Meek
From Pat Wyman
The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, Inc., 4535 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89102
Thank you, Pat Wyman, for all you do for learners and teachers and parents all over the world!
Doc Meek, Tues, Nov 20, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
Your Trusted Learning-Teaching Guide
Seasoned Administrator and Finance Expert
CANADA: Dr. Meek (587) 400-4707, Edmonton, AB
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 81, Nuku’alofa
USA: Dr. Meek (801) 738-3763, South Jordan, Utah
For best brain health, check your heart health:
More on heart health:
USA: Jeannette (801) 971-1812; South Jordan, Utah
CANADA: Jeannette (587) 333-6923, Calgary, Alberta
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
“The Five Life Lessons I’ve Learned From My Toddler.” – Hailey Eisen
Monday, November 5, 2012. Today I am grateful for Hailey Eisen’s reminder that toddlers can teach us a lot! – Doc Meek
Image/text from:
The Five Life Lessons I’ve Learned From My Toddler
by: Hailey Eisen (Oct 25, 2012)
Toddlers are so incredible because, for the most part, they exist in a pure and natural state—untainted by society’s expectations, standards, rules, and controls. They do what they want, when they want, until someone forces them to stop. They speak their minds and act without inhibition. And, the truth is, we adults can learn a lot from them! So the next time you start questioning your own behaviours and wondering if you’re living in an inauthentic way—spend some time with a two-year-old. Here’s what mine has taught me:
1. Be persistent: If you want something badly enough it’s worth going after. Whether this means cajoling, bargaining, pleading, or even stomping your feet—sometimes you need to have the strength to not back down. Even if someone (or more likely, YOU) is standing in the way of making your dream/goal/desire a reality, a healthy dose of conviction is sometimes all you need to break down that barrier. My daughter, when she wants something really badly, often resorts to bargaining. She’ll say: “Mommy, I have a great idea, how about…” or “Mommy, just one more and then done, Ok?!” She’s got it down to a science, and there’s no talking her out of something, once she’s made up her mind.
2. Be in the moment: If there’s anyone who can teach us about mindfulness, it’s a toddler. It’s amazing to watch a little kid play. It’s as if nothing around them matters. They’re not thinking about what they’re going to have for dinner, or how they’re going to make it to the potty in time for their next pee. They aren’t worrying about how the week’s weather forecast will interfere with their play dates, or what to wear to the family dinner party. Kids live in the moment. And while that explains the intense frustration when something doesn’t work out or they don’t get their own way, it also means they don’t waste any time worrying about things in the future they have no control over anyway. And, once you’re living in the moment, you have the benefit of experiencing life with a ‘beginner’s mind.’ This means you get to experience the joy/excitement/thrill of doing something for the first time (say riding a bike or landing a dream job) every single day.
3. Let your emotions flow: Have you ever watched a two-year-old process emotions? Mine can go from laughing hysterically, to crying and screaming, to sulking, to laughing again in a matter of minutes. She expresses her emotions as she feels them, so she’s never at risk of keeping them pent up inside. She doesn’t know about holding a grudge, and the longest she can stay angry with someone is five minutes (I’ve timed her). When I’m upset, the first thing she does is make a funny face or give me a huge hug, then says: “You happy now Mommy?” and she fully expects that no matter what I’ve been feeling, I’ll be happy—just like that. Keeping our emotions bottled up has been proven to be unhealthy, yet it’s a habit most of us adopt somewhere around the age of 8, when our parents,teachers, etc. say things like: “don’t cry,” “don’t be upset,” and “be a big girl.” I’m trying really hard not to tell my daughter how to feel. Instead I try to honour her emotions (as intense and unfounded as they may seem to me) and celebrate the fact that she can be so true to herself. After all, there’s no better feeling than the calm that comes after a huge tantrum!
4. Forget about what others think: I’ll never forget attending a seminar by leadership guru Robin Sharma and listening to him talk about his kids. I didn’t have kids at the time, but loved what he said and still think about it today. If his son waned to go to the grocery store in a fireman’s hat or his daughter insisted on dressing herself in mismatching clothes, he said, instead of feeling embarrassed or insisting they change, he’d celebrate their creativity and lack of inhibition. Most kids (until a certain age) couldn’t care less what others think of them; while most of us adults care way too much. My daughter will wear anything, say anything, do anything as long as it feels good to her. Do you ever wonder how you’d live your life if no one was watching? That’s how my kiddo lives hers every day. It may sound cliche, but it’s totally liberating. I’m taking cues from her and quieting that inner voice that says: ‘what if they don’t like me?’ ‘what if they think I look fat?’ ‘what if they think my writing isn’t good enough?’ As my daughter practices her plié sauté on a busy sidewalk wearing a tutu and a mismatched hat with chocolate smeared on her cheek I have to ask myself—who cares?! And the answer I’m going for is—not me!
5. Love yourself: My daughter is happiest when positioned in front of the full-length mirror in our front foyer. There she’ll sing, dance, and have full conversations with herself. She’s so happy with her own reflection that she never looks upon herself with criticism or judgment. She doesn’t look in the mirror and think: ‘geez my hair is so frizzy today,’ or ‘my face is too pale.’ Instead she emanates pure love. This is self love at its finest! It’s what we all felt about ourselves when we were kids, before we started listening to the criticism of others. When my daughter successfully makes a pee on the toilet (she was just recently toilet trained)—she throws her arms in the air with complete enthusiasm and says “Hurray Willow!!” She’s so genuinely proud of herself that she doesn’t worry about sounding boastful. When was the last time you looked yourself in the mirror and felt nothing but love? When was the last time you celebrated your own accomplishments? Patted yourself on the back? Took pride in how great you are? Spoken out-loud your gratitude for all that you have and all that you are? I know this video is old, but it embodies perfectly what I’m talking about. Take a lesson from this kid (and from your own kids) and start loving yourself more today!
Thank you, Hailey Eisen, for your delightful “toddler-reminder” that when we persist, live in the present, let our emotions flow, never mind what others think, and love ourselves, our lives are happier!
Doc Meek, Mon, Nov 5, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
“What if you know more than you think?”
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
Your Trusted Learning-Teaching Guide
Seasoned Administrator/Finance Expert
CANADA: Dr. Meek (587) 400-4707, Edmonton, AB
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 81, Nuku’alofa
USA: Dr. Meek (801) 738-3763, South Jordan, Utah
For best brain health, check your heart health:
More on heart health:
USA: Jeannette (801) 971-1812; South Jordan, Utah
CANADA: Jeannette (587) 333-6923, Calgary, Alberta
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
“Teaching can get in the way of learning.” – Doc Meek
Saturday, October 27, 2012: Today I am grateful for those who jog our minds about how we learn (and teach)! – Doc Meek
Text below was posted in: TENNESSEE TEACHING AND LEARNING CENTER BLOG on June 13, 2012.
What Works in Student Learning, and
What Gets in the Way – Teaching –
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle reviewed a recent conference on student learning, sponsored by the Teagle Foundation, What Works in Student Learning, and What Gets in the Way – Teaching – The Chronicle of Higher Education. Attendants considered the state of student learning in higher education.
Among their suggestions: Students should be active in constructing their own learning, and activities should stimulate not just their intellects but their emotions.
As often happens, the comments are as interesting as the article. Among the comments are questions serving students with disabilities as well as a bit of debate about “learning” versus “teaching.” A large amount of comments point out that what was said at the conference has been well-established and said before.
This is true. However, we who are currently teaching in higher education are at different stages–and with different training to support our skills at teaching. New assistant professors may or may not have had graduate training in teaching and learning theories and in pedagogical practice. There is some interesting research (and hopefully there will be more) that shows the more professors know teaching and learning principles and understand student learning, the more successful they are at evaluating and improving their courses (Milton & Lyons, 2003).
For new professors, the amount of teacher preparation is changing as more universities establish graduate teaching certification programs. These programs allow those students who are not in departments that traditionally provide a lot of support (graduate students in Language and English programs, for instance, teach a lot and usually are provided with a lot of training by their home departments). For others, though, they may start their first job with no training or experience in teaching! For the rest of us, most midsize and large institutions have teaching and learning centers to provide ongoing support.
We in academia are slow to change (are you shocked by this statement?) We honor traditions, yet the traditional lecture is slowly being replaced by “active lecturing” in which students get involved or by active learning in the classroom, in which the lecture is minimized or moved out of the in-class session entirely (as in the flipped classroom). This movement to change our pedagogical practice is slow but follows decades of research on promoting student learning, as the conference participants noted.
Finally, our students have changed (again, not a shock to point this out). They have changed in response to our culture and cultural priorities, our uses of technology, our economy, and other changes in the West (I want to be careful to distinguish between a U.S. university and those in developing countries).
Much of our professional lives have remained the same–we balance research and teaching and service, in proportions dependent on our type of school. For some of us, our teaching in and of itself has not changed. However, job security has lessened, demands on our time have increased, student expectations have changed, and public expectations have increased. However we address these issues, we must remind our stakeholders that we are teaching always the new generation. What will our culture do to support our mission in higher ed?
Thank you, TENNESSEE TEACHING AND LEARNING CENTER at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for teaching us how to teach better!
Doc Meek, Sat, Oct 27, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
“What if you are smarter than you think?”
CANADA: Dr. Meek (587) 400-4707, Edmonton, AB
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 81, Nuku’alofa
USA: Dr. Meek (801) 738-3763, South Jordan, Utah
For optimum brain health, ensure your heart health:
More on heart health:
USA: Jeannette (801) 971-1812; South Jordan, Utah
CANADA: Jeannette (587) 333-6923, Calgary, Alberta
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
Affordable online Master’s Degree for teachers. – Doc Meek
Wed, Oct 10, 2012, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
Thank you,, for sending me this teacher further education opportunity! – Doc Meek
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“I’m grateful for all the generations.” ~ Doc Meek
Sunday, October 16, 2011. Today I am grateful for mothers and grandmothers, and children and grandchildren, and great grandchildren, to the latest generation, eh? ~ Doc Meek
Not My Actual Mom (if anyone with a photo of my Mom with a grandchild can show me how to put it in here, I’ll be forever grateful); image from:
AHA! My friend David has shown me how to add my actual mother (with grandchild) here. This photo was designed to illustrate a grandmother/grandchild in an ancient culture [New Testament? Old Testament?]:
Grandmother & Grandchild, posed as if from a previous society
Today I wrote a letter to my siblings, plus their spouses, children, grandchildren, etc.
Sunday, October 16, 2001 @ Sherwood Park, AB T8A 2J4, CANADA
Dear Siblings, Spouses, Children, Grandchildren, etc.,
Mom is 93 years old now, as you know.
This is a good time to think about writing Mom a nice letter, perhaps expressing appreciation for creating you, plus other onerous duties in your behalf, and for your welfare, all along the way.
Whatever comes to your heart.
Humor and jokes are always great. Meek’s tend to excel at that. Mom has a good sense of humor.
I say a letter because she treasures them, and can read them again and again.
This is a critical feature when your short-term memory does not retain the contents of the letter for more than a few minutes.
However the good feelings engendered by such letters last for a long time.
The feelings? “They care about me.”
Visits and phone calls (soon forgotten) also help create good feelings, which remain:
“They care about me.”
Such feelings are very potent, as are the opposite feelings of course.
Mom’s Mom lived to be 98, so Mom has longevity in her intrinsic makeup.
However, in recent days, Mom is showing significantly reduced muscle strength and energy. In addition, it is less easy for her to maintain her balance when walking.
She continues her erratic sleep patterns.
All night long, it’s sleep-wake-read-sleep-wake-read-sleep (with her reading light still on).
I said to Mom, “Thank heaven you learned to read when you were a child. We are so lucky in our culture in that regard. What would you do now if you hadn’t learned to read?”
Also, in the daytime now, all day long, it’s sleep-wake-read-sleep-wake-read-sleep.
Mom says, “I don’t sleep a wink at night.” Sort of true. No solid refreshing sleep. And she awakes unrefreshed of course.
Mom says: “I don’t nap in the daytime, because it will ruin my sleep at night. I just lie down to rest because I am so tired all the time.”
Well . . . she dozes off in bed all day long. Good thing. She doesn’t get enough good sleep at night.
Really, it’s time to write a nice letter to Mom
As mentioned in my opening paragraphs above, this would be a good time to get out the pen and paper and write a nice letter and mail it (or better, drop it off, if that is feasible).
Mom doesn’t have the energy to sustain long visits anymore–unless a baby is part of the entourage of course. 😮
In the case of the baby, then she has good energy–“forever,” throughout all eternity. 😮
Loving Kindness, Collins
J. Collins Meek, Ph.D. (Doc Meek)
Neurological Learning Specialist
“What if your brain is smarter than you think?”
“What if your heart is more loving than you think?”
“What if you can work harder than you think?”
CANADA: P.O. Box 3105, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
TONGA: Mele Taumoepeau, P.O. Box 60, Nuku’alofa
USA: Dr Meek (801) 738-3763, South Jordan, UT 84095
For brain health, also ensure heart health (short video):
More on heart health:
Ph (801) 971-1812 (Jeannette); Fax [801] 282-6026
“Sisi Hingano sends political news from Tonga.” – Doc Meek
Kingdom of Tonga
The flag of Tonga was adopted on November 4, 1875.
The flag looks similar to the flag of the Red Cross. The flag was originally identical to that flag, but to avoid confusion, it was changed so that the red cross appeared as a canton of a red ensign, making it similar to the 17th century red ensign. The flag has been in use since 1864 but was officially adopted in 1875. Clause 47 of the Constitution of Tonga states: “The Flag of Tonga shall never be altered but shall always be the flag of the Kingdom.”
Flag images and text from Wikipedia:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011. Today I am grateful that Sisi Hingano, one of my Tongan Facebook Friends, sends me political news from the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific Islands. She also teaches me some Tongan words as well. ~ Doc Meek, Neurological Learning Specialist
Thank you Sisi!
Sisi Hingano posted in Kingdom of Tonga – Political Forum
Doc Meek, Wed, Sept 21, 2011, Okotoks, Alberta, CANADA
“Music empowers people with LD.” ~ Pang Hin Yue
Friday, August 26, 2011. Today I am so grateful for those who are inspired to teach those who don’t learn as easily as others. Brian John Lim is such a teacher. ~ Doc Meek
Music to empower people with learning
disabilities [Learning Differences]
By PANG HIN YUE, published in The Star Online, Wed, Aug 24, 2011
Former child prodigy Brian John Yim reaches out to the learning disabled and helps autistic teenager Umar Hasfizal realise his potential as a singer with his debut album.
WHEN he was four years old, Brian John Yim’s father left him and his younger brother with their mother and took everything away except an organ. The very object of his sadness became his source of comfort and inspiration. “The organ was the only connection I had with my dad,” says Yim. With no money for piano lessons but an ear for music, he would listen and play the organ as his mother and grandmother sang along.
By the time he turned eight, his mother, Gan Lee Yong, an insurance agent then, had saved enough money for him to take up piano. He was so good that he leapfrogged to fifth grade. Within two years, he completed the final eighth grade. But the child prodigy wanted more – to pursue a course on Electone (electronic organs produced by Yamaha).

But staying in Mentakab, a small town in Pahang, did not help. “There was no organ teacher in Mentakab,” recalls the 28-year-old. Undeterred, he decided to learn it at a Yamaha school in Kuala Lumpur. So for one year, every Sunday, he would faithfully take a two-hour bus ride on his own to KL to attend a 45-minute lesson and then hop on the next available bus to go back home.
By 12, he passed his Electone exam, an achievement few can boast of.
To make sure he did not lose out academically, Yim poured his heart into his studies – just as he did with music – scoring straight-As. When he wasn’t studying, the brilliant boy could be found performing at social functions in his hometown.
Image and text above from:
Thank you, Brian John Yim, for inspiring us to help those who need help to be successful learning in their own right! Active teaching and active learning are a winning combination!
Doc Meek, Fri, Aug 26, 2011, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA